《Twenty Years After》-Alexandre Dumas

《Twenty Years After》-Alexandre Dumas
This titleincludes an introduction by A. M. de Medeiros, University of Kentat Canterbury. A year after the publication of "The ThreeMusketeers", Alexandre Dumas produced a sequel worthy in everyrespect of the original. In "Twenty Years After" the much belovedD Artaganan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis reunite to fight the forcesof evil. In the original novel they defeated Milady, a formidablefoe; now they need to face her vengeful son Mordaunt, as well ascountering the machinations of the sinister Cardinal Mazarin. Theiradventures also take them to England, where Cromwell is about totopple Charles I. Meanwhile, they must overcome the obstacles whichthe passing of time has placed between them. Rediscovering strengthin unity, they fight for Queen and country. "The Musketeer" novelswere a huge success in Dumas own lifetime, and have lost none oftheir original appeal. Translated into many languages and adaptedfor cinema and television, they have helped to make Dumas arguablythe most successful exporter of French culture to the widerworld.
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